Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hello from Norway

As many of you know - I am in Norway now, and during these 8 days while I am here I managed to experience dramatic changes in weather, illness, many events and International day and cooking evening :) I met Mette and she told me to say hello to you all and also to say to Hus and Yus that it is a great idea to create such a blog, she is glad to hear that we remember them and keep in contact with each other :)
Well, i like here and it is fun to meet new people, but as i once told - it is not the place that makes it great, but the people who makes it great :) It is nice to visite all the places where we all went last year, but it is not the same... Ayca remember the time when you told that you will take a swim and that i join you if you will :D pfffuuuu...we did not do it, so it is a great reason to come back once ;) I will attached some pictures, which i took on sunday, but now the snow here is so deep, that it is better to sit at home with a cup of hot tea and in company of good people, because global warming just passed by this part of Norway :)
take care, hugs


Ayça said...

sure i will come back to swim karine! We will swim together this time : )))

Yo said...

I will give 1000 NOK if any of you jump from there :D

karine said...

then prepeair 2000 because we both will :P

Tanya said...

so it would be great to arrange a meeting one day in Kristiansand...

Alexis said...

i'm ready to add 1000 NOK to the basis award to see ayça and karine swim together (let's be kind : during summer :))