Monday, April 30, 2007

Eurovision Song Contest 2007

Hey Guys,

It is time to break the silence.We are getting close to another Eurovision song contest and this year it is going to be held in Finland.I saw some of this year’s songs ,and my favourite is absolutely is Romania.The song is English,Italian,Spanish,Russian,French and Romanian. Just watch this song.Enjoy it :)

Turkey is represented by Kenan Dogulu with the song -Shake it up Shkerim-.I do not give him any chance t but if he performs well on the stage,he can be in the first ten.The song is in English except fort he world –Sheker-.That means sugar in English :)

But,my favourite song of all times is coming from Lithuania.We watched this song last year together in Saint OlavsVei together with Tanya,Karine,Mirka,Gosia and Huseyin.What a self-confidence :)

Have fun


Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Oh, another thing---

Just remembered that you can also find me at facebook. Great place to network.

...and yes, I am bored today, hence the multi-posting. You know, writing a masterthesis isn't as fun as you would think it would be. And now my ass has fallen asleep from sitting down for several hours. Isn't that just nice to know?

Ciao for now.


Kudos to Hus and Yus

Hello to you all!
Just wanted to officially brag about our boys for starting this blog. It is a wonderful idea, which I hope that the ESN can help run in order to keep it up for years and years to come when Hus and Yus no longer can maintain the site.

You are dearly missed at HiA, you were a really good bunch (my favorites for sure, but sshhh - don't tell the current erasmus! =P), and HiA just isn't the same without you.

I hope you are all doing OK - I've linked to my bebo so if you like, you can see me there.

Ha det bra
- Beste hilsner
Monica, el bosso Grande.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Ei ole koiraa karvoihin katsominen.

Spring came too early this year. It's beginning of April and we have flowers and some trees are making leafes! crazy. For one week the weather was really sunny and warm (for our standards). I went to the roof and just enjoyed the sun. It was nice to be so high that no one from the other blog of flats could see me. Today the wind was freezing cold and little snowflakes danced in the sun.

I don't have any lectures left for this spring. I just have to teach 6 more hours and then do some projects with one girl who is a perfectionist. It's so frustrating... On May we'll have one week meetings, seminars etc. I'll start my summerjob 16th of May. I'm going to work in the Language Center in our university! Most of the work is going to be nice inside work but then on August I'll be hanging out with Erasmus students. So if you have friends, who are coming to Jyväskylä and are taking the language course before starting the studies... I'll organize all the freetime activity for them! Because of the work I won't be travelling at all, but I'm waiting for Gosia and maybe Stefi to come to visit me! If someone else finds itself in Finland, call me.

I still have to study one more year... but autumn looks a little bit lighter bc I'm going to go to Jethro Tull's concerst on september! (I know that no one knows this band)
